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Mama is a movie about two girls that are transported into the body of an older woman. It's about what Mama thinks her life would have been had she not died when she was young. The movie is unusual in that it takes place out of chronological order, meaning that Mama never ages, but her daughters do at the same time. This gives the girls access to see her entire life which creates emotional tension as they grow up much faster than their mother does.To write this paper, I will use my theoretical framework which consists of three part: characterization, plot, setting and theme which helps me analyze various aspects in this movie to find how they contribute to its overall message or appeal. I will start by analyzing the movie's characters. The movie is set in 1959, the time of the Cuban Revolution, and it takes place at a time when Major League Baseball (MLB) was an American institution. Therefore, this film represents our culture at that time which makes it an interesting setting for this movie. There are four main characters in the film: Mama (Alba), her daughter Posada (Mariela Mora), her granddaughter Laura (Mercedes Parada) and their mother-in-law Concepción( Isabela Montero). I will analyze each character individually to understand their relationships with each other as well as with Mama. Alba played the role of Mama. After her husband dies, she is forced to move in with her daughter Posada because she cannot afford a place to live by herself. This entry into a random house happens at a crucial time in her life where she has just lost her husband and must find a way to survive after his death. Being alone allows Mama to move on from this tragic event and live the life she wants without any regret, but this doesn't mean that she can't still be sad about the event. Throughout the movie, we see how much Mama loves her children and tries her best to make their lives better. For example, she makes them buy school supplies because she wants her grandchildren to have an opportunity to attend school. But this doesn't mean that she doesn't want them to be happy. On the contrary, because she wants them to be happy, she is willing to do whatever it takes for them to achieve their dreams. This is what Mama's character represents. Posada played the role of Posada, Mama's daughter. She was close to her mother throughout her entire life but could not go through with any of Mama's wishes because it would hurt their mother-daughter relationship. The film gives details regarding the relationship between them in the scenes when they are together. One of them occurs in 1962 when she is 14 years old, the age when her mother has already died. She is looking at an old photo of Mama when she says "We are much older now". However, after Posada's husband dies, she moves in with her mother in 1959 to help her with her financial situation. Throughout the movie, we see how much Posada misses being close to her mother and wishes that she could have done more for her by taking care of her or helping her financially. cfa1e77820